Orginially from Ohio, I went to the big city of New York for about 5 years (mainly for school), and now I am working towards my masters at Cambridge in England. I hope this website gives everyone a taste of what my life is like here... and if nothing else I think you will find it fun and entertaining!!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Clare Sprints

Thank you so much to all of the photos in this post to Colin!!!  These pictures were from our Clare Sprints Plate race on Friday... and specifically from our first race against New Hall (who we completely trashed)... we also totally beat Caius... but it was almost dark outside by then, so Colin had to go home unfortunately (but totally understandably).  Then on Saturday we were back out racing in the semi-finals (we will have photos shortly care-of Nathan hehe)... and it was quite tragic.  We were racing against Queens... and right at the start of the race, our rutter completely fell off in the water, so we had virtually no way to steer the boat or control its direction.  But our amazing cox (Greg) was still able to keep us from crashing into any banks or the other boat... and we still only lost by a tiny tiny bit... which means that if we had not lost our rutter, we would have killed Queens.  So sad :( ... but anyway we have Fairburns -- our next big race (the biggest one of the term) this thursday at 11.30... so come support us (or send us positive vibes if you are one of my friends / family from the U.S.).

Here we are taking the boat out of the boat house and onto the water... and it is just exactly my turn to go over to the other side of the boat... one of the many joys of being bow side hehe.

Here is our bow side in the boat... and stern side holding the boat steady...

And now stern side is in...

Here are Lucy and Kathryn waiting to push off.

And here I am making sure the boat doesn't move off the bank quite yet... and Nienke is in front of me.

hehe so what is really interesting is to notice that from shoop (wearing the orange hat) the order of the people are: shoop, joannah, lucy, kathryn, me and nienke.

It started off a nice day for rowing... until we pushed off to race, and it started to rain :(

hehehe now notice how the order changed... now from shoop the order is: shoop, joannah, me, nienke... we swapped after we parked the boat and got out and stretched so I rowed as three instead of as five.

And now I have no green sweater on... just my gray tshirt... hehe wow the order of the pictures almost makes it seem like I just took off my sweater while rowing, but in fact we stopped in between :)

And now we are preparing to massacre New Hall (as Greg would say hehe).

Look at all of the pink Churchill spirit getting ready to paint the river pink.

Perfect posture... hands drawn in and ready to go.

Greg's hand is up in the air waiting for us to get ready to go.

And the marshall said go... and New Hall went... but we gave them a head start because we didn't want to humiliate them too badly... haha actually we were just waiting for Greg to say GO!!! so like 3 seconds after New Hall had started Greg was like AHHH GOOOOO!!!!!

Look at those muscles!!!

And we are already beating New Hall by at least bow.

And we are totally in the lead....

Still in the lead...

See a pattern yet hehe??

"Here is where you humiliate them!!!"... "I want their blood churchill!!!"... "Massacre them!!!"... this is one of the things that Greg is probably shouting in this picture... what an awesome cox!!!

And we are the winners my friends!!

And now Lady Boyd (the president of our boat club) fed us Jaffa Cakes while we waited for our next race against Caius.

Here is an overview of our whole boat parked on the bank.

And now I have a real treat for everyone... a video clip of our boat rowing against New Hall... although you can't even see New Hall because we are killing them by so much hehe.  Notice how in time we are... we look amazing girls!!!

Now you definitely should come see a free live performance at the Fairburns race on Thursday!!


Diana :)

Friday, November 26, 2004

Uniform Pav

Lots happened today!! The Clare Sprints race began today, and my boat is trying to win the plate (as opposed to the cup haha).  We totally creamed New Hall in our first race, so we went on to the second race against Caius.  Caius has a reputation of being really quite good because they have tons of money which buys them awesome personal coaches and such... but we still beat them :)... we were neck-in-neck most of the way until we passed under the blue bridge when our cox (Greg) said "this is where we will take them over Churchill!!!!" or something to that effect... and we just completely passed Caius.  Colin gets the best Churchillian man of the day award for coming out and supporting us and cheering us on... and for taking photos which he will give to me to post here for everyone of our amazing team!!  Then we came back to college and showered up and went to a curry restaraunt... hehe although we all know my opinion of curry, so I ate before we went out.  Then we went back to the pav to see all of our friends... and the pav theme for the MCR was uniforms... and the pav theme for the JCR was fetish... so keep that in mind when viewing the photos. 

Dani had such an adorable outfit tonight!! Although here I am trying out her hat... I think it might just suit her better hehe.

Our two drunken sailors behind the bar...

hehe this photo is just fantastic!!!!

In case anyone did not know... Adam is finally back!!!

Helen was quite in the spirit with her fashion police costume.

Yet another sailor with an army girl.

Woaaaah... scary... why is Willy sleeping on the stairs??

What a wonderful self-portrait.... ummm I mean self-photo...

Eva came to join us on the MCR stair... the uppermost stair :)

A crazy JCR guy with quite an original costume... where else in the world would someone use GAP bags to make a HUGE condom?

I decided it might be more interesting to take a photo from a different viewpoint of all of the MCR members on "our" stair.

There were so many MCR people out tonight, that we could not even fit in just one picture.

Shoop with Greg (our amazing... yet violent... cox from today)...

Here is a frontal view of the MCR stair-watchers.

Good times on the dance floor.

Ahhh there we go... now we have all of Monique's head in the picture.

hehe as per a special request... I took this photo after being recruited from on the dance floor...

Dan and Helen were quite a wonderful dancing duo tonight.

Uh oh Shoop.... I never got a picture of you and Dan at the pav tonight... now we have ruined our weekly tradition...

I LOVED Dani's jacket... I give her the fashion award for tonight's pav...

Stephanie and her visiting friend from the States.

We don't need boys to dance... its so much more fun with just the girls :)

Uh oh Dan... beware... looks like Shoop may be starting a new weekly tradition.

Sir Winston watching over the pav hahaha...

Justin and his fiancee Helen... so nice to finally meet her!!

hehe this special photo is brought to you by an anonymous photographer who took over my camera and thought the viewers of this site would like this perspective... any feedback / comments please write in my guestbook!!!

Everyone seems to have gotten worn out early tonight.

And now I am off to bed for our semi-finalist rowing competition tomorrow afternoon... wish me luck... send me good vibes... come watch us race and take pictures for this website... I can lend you my camera if you need one!!!! 


Diana :)

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