Orginially from Ohio, I went to the big city of New York for about 5 years (mainly for school), and now I am working towards my masters at Cambridge in England. I hope this website gives everyone a taste of what my life is like here... and if nothing else I think you will find it fun and entertaining!!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Magdalene Formal Hall

Sorrry people... but Churchill's Party was definitely superior... although that might have to stem from my bad experience, so I am biased.  I would like to announce that Shoop and Ping Pong John (the blonde John) are my heros of the week for taking care of me when I felt like crap.  I love you two!!!!  I have very limited photographs from last night, and most I did not take, so I cannot take the credit if you like or hate them hehe. Enjoy!!!

Classy Tracy brought champagne :) ... and Patrick was quite the man with both Dani and Shoop... you are a good man Patrick!

Magdalene's Formal Hall is the only formal hall in Cambridge that does not use electricity for light, all they use are candles and candlabras (hehe how do you spell that???)... it is very old and romantic looking inside... this picture does not do it justice.

This picture also doesn't do it justice, oh well!!

Joannah and me... two cute AMERICAN girls.

hehe this is the expression Tracy had on her face almost all throughout dinner... lets just leave it at that Iggy and Tracy did not meet eye to eye.

hehe at least Dani and Tracy look happy here :)

Tatyana has a great story about her earrings... aren't they gorgeous? And check out Nic and Paul in the background... wink wink.

Tattyana and Adrian.... hehe sorry Adrian, you were sitting very close to me hence the up close picture of you.

Wow now this picture is classic... Tracy AND Iggy both smiling in the same picture??

Churchill Girls :) ... I wish our colors could be pink and black!!

Me, Adrian, Tatyana and part of Nic hehe.

There we go, now we are all almost in the picture... Why are you spitting into Joannah's ear Little John???

Magdalene's MCR bar... hehe I have no clue who took this picture or why its at such a weird angle.

awww Nic.... hey who is the guy in the portrait?

Joannah, and my two heros of the week, Ping Pong John and Shoop!!!

hehe and a closeup of my two heros....

Today Shoop and Tatyana somehow convinced me to come to brunch at Kings College... and it was yummy and good times.  Awwww so adorable!!!

hehe this is a picture of the inside of Kings Dining Hall... I think their dining hall beats Magdalene, although I have no bad experiences at Kings :)

Me at brunch... the cashier was soooo rude to us, he said something about trying to discourage people from other colleges coming to their dining hall... how rude!!!

hehe and a very artistic shot of me at Kings.... ohhhh look at the pretty stained glass windows in the background... I don't even think I noticed it while I was there, but I am noticing it now in the photo hahahah.

I hope to have a much more productive week in terms of research and learning, but maybe I am hoping for too much hehe.  The good and cool news is that my advisor is taking me to Dundee, Scotland... YAAAY!!!


Diana :)

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