Orginially from Ohio, I went to the big city of New York for about 5 years (mainly for school), and now I am working towards my masters at Cambridge in England. I hope this website gives everyone a taste of what my life is like here... and if nothing else I think you will find it fun and entertaining!!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Magdalene Formal Hall

Sorrry people... but Churchill's Party was definitely superior... although that might have to stem from my bad experience, so I am biased.  I would like to announce that Shoop and Ping Pong John (the blonde John) are my heros of the week for taking care of me when I felt like crap.  I love you two!!!!  I have very limited photographs from last night, and most I did not take, so I cannot take the credit if you like or hate them hehe. Enjoy!!!

Classy Tracy brought champagne :) ... and Patrick was quite the man with both Dani and Shoop... you are a good man Patrick!

Magdalene's Formal Hall is the only formal hall in Cambridge that does not use electricity for light, all they use are candles and candlabras (hehe how do you spell that???)... it is very old and romantic looking inside... this picture does not do it justice.

This picture also doesn't do it justice, oh well!!

Joannah and me... two cute AMERICAN girls.

hehe this is the expression Tracy had on her face almost all throughout dinner... lets just leave it at that Iggy and Tracy did not meet eye to eye.

hehe at least Dani and Tracy look happy here :)

Tatyana has a great story about her earrings... aren't they gorgeous? And check out Nic and Paul in the background... wink wink.

Tattyana and Adrian.... hehe sorry Adrian, you were sitting very close to me hence the up close picture of you.

Wow now this picture is classic... Tracy AND Iggy both smiling in the same picture??

Churchill Girls :) ... I wish our colors could be pink and black!!

Me, Adrian, Tatyana and part of Nic hehe.

There we go, now we are all almost in the picture... Why are you spitting into Joannah's ear Little John???

Magdalene's MCR bar... hehe I have no clue who took this picture or why its at such a weird angle.

awww Nic.... hey who is the guy in the portrait?

Joannah, and my two heros of the week, Ping Pong John and Shoop!!!

hehe and a closeup of my two heros....

Today Shoop and Tatyana somehow convinced me to come to brunch at Kings College... and it was yummy and good times.  Awwww so adorable!!!

hehe this is a picture of the inside of Kings Dining Hall... I think their dining hall beats Magdalene, although I have no bad experiences at Kings :)

Me at brunch... the cashier was soooo rude to us, he said something about trying to discourage people from other colleges coming to their dining hall... how rude!!!

hehe and a very artistic shot of me at Kings.... ohhhh look at the pretty stained glass windows in the background... I don't even think I noticed it while I was there, but I am noticing it now in the photo hahahah.

I hope to have a much more productive week in terms of research and learning, but maybe I am hoping for too much hehe.  The good and cool news is that my advisor is taking me to Dundee, Scotland... YAAAY!!!


Diana :)

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Halloween Super Hall

Halloween Super Hall at Churchill was last night and it was sooooo awesome!!!  I hope the Halloween party tonight at Magdalene can match up to it, but it will be really hard.  Ok I won't talk too much for now because I have made everyone wait long enough as it is... hehe you guys are sooo impatient... hehe it hasn't even been a day and I have received many e-mails and personal inquiries as to why they aren't up yet... but have no fear!!! Here they are as promised... hehe and I will post pictures from Jesus as soon as Monique sends them to me!!!!! So everyone yell at Monique hehehehe.

Look at our group of Churchill smurfs.... very creative!!  Tracy is smurfette... and everyone else just said they were Papa Smurf.... hehe who you can't ALL be Papa Smurf!!

Our super cool MCR table...

The almost as cool other MCR super hall table... but not quite as cool because you all were missing key people like Shoop, Alex, Joannah, Tatyana, Helen, smurfs, and ummm ME!!!!

The Lovely Liz.... hehe oh pants!!! those cars are in the way again!!

The gorgeously seductive Tatyana :)

Ok so this is UNFAIR... I was standing up to take a picture of our menu (which you probably cannot read... but they named everything scary Halloween things to fit in with the theme)... and then Alex goes ahead and pennies me!!!

Ok so there were many fabulous guesses as to what I was.... I was supposed to be a baby, and this is me eating the soup which resembled baby food. hehehe how nice of them to coordinate with my costume!!!  But by far the coolest guess that was made was when someone thought I was the Churchill Mascot.... duuuuh because I was wearing pink and have brown hair!!! Now how the pacifier fits into that, I am just not sure. 

Me, Zern and Li having our happy little picture... when along comes Justin (a.k.a. DEATH) hehehe.

Shoop, Joannah and me just chilling after a couple of us got yelled at for standing up during dinner.... hehe yes I know it was FORMAL hall, but come on!! I was in pajamas!!!

hehe drunken little smurfs... I do hope that blue paint comes our of your white shirt Dan!!!

Guess what the vegetarian entree was??? YESSSSSSSSS more mushy veggies. But this time they were SO super spicy.  Totally not the best entree!!

Justin no killing Alex!!! You better sit down before you get in trouble!! Don't forget, this is FORMAL hall hahahaha.

wow you are one seductive vampire Tatyana!! the dessert was super yummy for once YAAAY!!

Helen the hot devil and Tracy the sexy smurf... SMILE :)

Lee and Dani... you two are such hotties together... and definitely you both had a very cool couple costume.

Dani, Stephanie and Vanessa.... hehe we are saying Stephanie was a mime... she was not just a normal formal hall person wearing black ;)

Yes that is Tim... hehe also known as Elvis.... with Yuri and me :)

Ahoy Matey!!! Look at our two pirates!! They even had the arrrghh sound down!!!

Me with our soccer player.... oh no no no I mean FOOTBALL player hehe.

Paul with his super fun friends Brian and Kristen.

This is just horrible... Death (Justin) is trying to corrupt and kill a baby (me)!!

hehe ok we kept trying this picture over and over again, and we just never did get it quite right... we will have to try this again later.

Here is take two... het at least Joannah and Tatyana are paying attention.

And take three.... we are almost all good... except for Liam and me.

Ohhh Ramses, you are SUCH a lucky man hehe.

Alex times two hehehehe.

This picture is so hilarious... look at the sign for the wine sale in the background... hehe it looks as if the wine sale exploded!!

Shanek, Sarah Jessica Parker (LOOOVE her!!!), Monique, and grrrrr I hate to call you this, but Monique's friend hehehe.

Crazy JCR people... this guy is a robot... until he took off the foil because he was too hot.

Hot Churchillian Ladies!! We missed you at dinner Rachel and Vanessa.... sniff sniff :(

hehe sooooooo much black.... we must start all wearing pink!!!!

Get down Tatyana!!! Such a hot dancer ;)

everyone is totally having a blast at the Dampness concert.

awwwww the smurfs are soooo cute together.

hehehe funny JCR people in costumes.

Ok next time hunnies you have to come dance and not sit on the stairs!!!

MCR gathering by the pav... I see waaaaaay too many suits and NOT enough costumes!!

Me with two mystery ghosts... I still have no clue who they were hehehhe.

By far the most original costume... he is a SIMS character!!! You know with the green diamond above his head... and Justin is just being scary hehehe.

Frank posing for a very artistic shot hehe.

Sweeney!!! I finally remember your name!!! With Joannah, Tim and David.

Uhhh ohhh... I caught you guys in the secret server room.... hehe care to explain???

Victorio and Serena... hehe and they aren't even kissing!!!

Serena, me and David.... hehe seee Serena, even the boys had costumes, where was yours????

Me, Marissa and Serena... hehe I guess this is the wall to pose at for photos.

Vanessa!!! Look at the camera honey!!!

Awwwwwwww soooooooo adorable!!!

Awwwwwwww soooooooo adorable plus one hehehe!!!

Oh my gosh James... you have a duck on your head!!!

Brian and Kristen... with the third wheel hahaha (a.k.a. Paul)...

Paul... can you see up my nose hahahhaha??

Vanessa and duck man!!

hehe Paul  you are a horrible photographer!!! You cut off part of me hehehe.

awwwww... hehe ok I totally have to meet Kristen and Brian again on another day!!

hahahahhaha I took Paul's seat!!!!!!! The whooooole half of the couch :)

Yummmmmmmmy pacifier...

hehe that is one way to make me stop talking...

hahahha now you surely will never get back your spot Paul... David and I both are holding down the fort!!

Paul you are SUCH a trouble maker!!!

I looove that Rachel loves pink like me :) I have had enough of all of these black clothes wearing people!!!

Paul getting in trouble yet AGAIN!!!

ahhhh there you go David... now you can have a costume AND see!!!

Serena trying to redeem herself and the fact that she didn't wear a costume.

Good thing the sword is made of cardboard and aluminum.... oooops I mean aluminium hahaha.

Lucy the cool hair colored witch with David.

Sir Winston... what did we tell you about drinking beer??

Dave and Shoop.... ohhhh Dave did the coolest thing last night... he walked down most of the steps in front of the plodge on his hands.

AHHHH the drunken smurfs are taking over the world!!

Simon you look sooooo scary.

And that concludes our wonderful evening of Halloween fun.... I will update soon on if Magdalene can even come close to the good times we had at Churchill ;)


~Diana :)

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