Orginially from Ohio, I went to the big city of New York for about 5 years (mainly for school), and now I am working towards my masters at Cambridge in England. I hope this website gives everyone a taste of what my life is like here... and if nothing else I think you will find it fun and entertaining!!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Founder's Dinner

WoW this has been such a busy week. Tuesday night was the Marshall / Churchill Scholars reception at Johns... where I got a really awesome compliment on my networking skills Wooo Hooo... see I knew I'd be a better business person than an engineer ;) ... Wednesday night was the first MCR meeting run by the new committee and we are AWESOME (hehe for all you back home, I am the new secretary!!!) Then last night was the Founder's Dinner which had good food AMAZING... but the coolest part was that people from Trinity College (our sister college) at Oxford came to visit, and we had a really good time meeting them!! And of course here are the slew of photos I took last night... plus two videos just for Greg hehehehehe.

Pre-dinner drinks... because 5 glasses of wine at dinner would clearly not be enough for any given person.

Adam... who rumor has it smelled AWESOME... so someone must investigate what cologne the boy has!!! I will post it so that the mystery will be solved.

Moira and Kit from my house!!

uh oh... too much to drink already??

The Oxford trio!! I am going to try reallly hard to get the spelling right, but I'm probably going to mess up. From left to right: Louise (ok I am VERY sure I messed this up... so someone help me out here!!), Dennis, and Denys

me with my girls!!!

David, Helen and Ness... still a lot of wine in those glasses!!

I really thought Rachel's glasses and eyes looked lighter last night... hehe or maybe i'm on crazy pills!!

Where's Shoop?? I need more photos with people my height!!

Churchill men... lookin' spiffy!!

who would have thought that you need 5 different glasses of wine to make a dinner complete any time other than Pesach (hehe sorry... the Jews ought to get this one ;) ... ask a Jew if you are confused )!!!

ohhh much better angle.

Mental note to self: I sat next to Dan at Founder's Dinner hehehe.

Visual Reminder to Self: remind Dan to come visit me in NY next year!!

hehe Chris and Rache are either bored or doing that classicist thing.

awwwwwww Taty and Jon... perhaps my favorite couple EVER

I believe this is the point where Jon leans over to make fun of me with Dani hahahha ;)

Justin, better than last time?

Taty had the softest sweater on... so adorable.

uh oh... Jon is gonna get jealous!!

Are they gonna take a bite?? They look vicious!!

Happy couple... left early.... hmmmmmmmm... just a thought to ponder.

Rachel is HOT... check out those juicy lips.... and the curl ;) and this is in the toilet where everyone looks horrible!!

Awwww Shoopy is your head ok?

Awww mommy Rachel will fix it.

Bender was awarded the best tie of the evening award by me... which hasn't been given out for quite some time... so everyone make sure to congratulate him.

Dani trying to stop me from taking her photo alone... since when does a hand stop me though?

Dani had such a hot outfit!!!

And Marissa had a really cute skirt... which unfortunately you cannot see in this photo.

wow what a mix of people heheh.

AHHH Shoop has taken control of the camera!!

Look at those lips on that girl Rachel!!

Little John!! Nobody sticks their tongue out in my photos!!

Awwww Little John and Shoopy.

Oxford vs. Cambridge foosball match

Cambridge lost... hmmm maybe I should up and move to Oxford.

Uh oh Taty!! What's goin on with Shoop and Jon???

And she is off the ground!!

And now Taty is off the ground.... wow Jon can pick up all the chicks.

Woah.... psychadelic dream... Shoop in a weird jail... haha actually just Shoop in the gate outside the plodge.

Yup... Rachel's leg is in fact attached and cannot be removed.

No Paul... that is not permission to eat her leg.

Finally met up at the Fez at long last.

Wow everyone was so much fun to dance with!!

David!!! What are you doing to Rachel???

Dennis... does Oxford have so many cool Russians??

Wow that flash makes me look even more pale than I am in reality.

Huey was cold!!! She even has on a scarf!! shocking!!

Check out the muscle on Rachel... thats what happens when you row women's first boat!!!

Awww Denys is so cute along with Shoop and Greg... how are all the guys not MELTING in such a hot place with suits on???

Huey you looked gorgeous!!

Dennis is the social sec at trinity!

Paul you look scary!!

Paul is freakin' Rachel!!

awww Greg looks so bashful.

Oxford knows how to dance and party!!!

Dan learned a few new moves.

Only in Cambridge do people dance in suits... does that occur in Oxford too???

Wow I bet this is one of the only photos where Paul is so much shorter than Shoop that you can't see his face.g

Soooooooo glad I brought a hair band along!!

I think everyone was so exhausted at this point.

especially me!!!

Huey is still cold!! SHOCKING!

Ohhh dance competition.

Dan trying out the new moves he learned from watching the competition!!

WOAH David still has on a tie!!

Definitely good times!!

So sad that we all bailed early... but it is no reflection on our Oxford friends who were AWESOME... just a reflection on our level of exhaustion and high level of work!! This week has been KILLER and it will continue to kill me until next Tuesday at the MINIMUM. Oh before I peace out... check out the videos...

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